Daughter is off to college this year so my wife is stuck with me and the boys and has graciously agreed to give camping a try. Seeing as how it would be a waste to go camping without incorporating some degree of off-roading I'm thinking we'll head up toward the Rausch Creek area.
Anyone else kicking around the idea of heading out for some playtime tomorrow or Sunday? I think tomorrow the weather is supposed to be a bit cooler so it might be more ideal. I just know Rausch requires 2 or more vehicles before they'll let you go out.
UPDATE: Going to Rausch tomorrow. Planning to arrive mid-morning (10:00 am-ish) and plan to wheel until late afternoon then going to Twin Grove campgrounds for the night. Low key trails for me this trip. If i have ANY shot of getting my wife back out again it will require me not terrorizing her with near-death experiences. She has a hard time with my highway driving, being in the Rover with me while I'm ripping body parts off on rocks will just end badly for me.